Article writing will still be the favorite choice of Internet Marketers in the years ahead. We have to come to grips with site design though. It is sad when you see website designers perfecting their craft without even giving a single thought to bringing traffic to the site.

A successful website does not become a success on the back of web design alone. What would that brilliant piece of web designing workmanship be without traffic$%: Who would be able to benefit from that brilliance$%:

Article writing saves on expenses and time. Does article writing surface as your preferred method of promoting your internet business$%: Surely it has no equal when considered from the same cost and time perspective. Lets look at article writing from a different angle.

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Each article that you write for your website should contain a link within it to your money making web page. Moreover, you also need links that the search engine spiders will need to crawl in order to reach the other pages of your website.

The spiders will follow links from page to page. They take this accumulated information gathered from your webpages and hand it over to the indexers. If the search engines find that the information on all of your webpages dovetails nicely and they are similar; you should move higher up in page rank.

Higher page rank leads to more traffic. Remember too, if your article theme also dovetails with your website theme your page rank will receive an added boost. This is another double whammy effect of using articles to generate website traffic. You can easily win on both fronts.

Write your articles around keyword phrases. Strategically place those phrases throughout the article for optimization. They will then gain excellent rank in the search engines. Once you gain that rank, your articles become stand alone traffic generators that cost you absolutely nothing.

Consider this, your article contains information or content. The search engines love content. Your content is zeroed in on keyword phrases. These phrases link up perfectly with the searchers query. Once a match is found for your keyword phrase the search engines are all over your article.

This is free traffic. Lets back up a bit. Not only is this free traffic, it is free targeted traffic. Why do I say targeted$%: Simply because the person who typed in the keyword phrase is searching for something in your specific website topic arena. This in no way guarantees you a sale. But it does significantly increase the likely hood of one.

Underpinning your total article goal should always be customer satisfaction. An uncomplicated almost docile navigation through the information is a vital cog in the wheel of customer satisfaction. Pilot your reader through to the area you wish them to go.

You do this by simply putting yourself in the place of your reader. Hunt diligently for writing roadblocks. Remove them to ensure a smooth transition for your reader once a decision has been made.

    創作者 cjnikhilsd 的頭像


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